This Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF) provides guidelines to communities, local
leaders and project officers for the development of Resettlement Action Plans (RAPs)
under the West Africa Regional Fisheries Program (WARFP) and the Global
Environment Fund (GEF) additional financing. RAPs are required, by agreement of
each Government with the World Bank, for: i) the identification of property such as
land, houses or businesses whether held under formal legal title or by customary right,
ii) the physical relocation (resettlement) of families or businesses, and iii) the
restoration of economic livelihoods in the event that these assets or activities are
affected by a sub-project, be it through land acquisition or through restriction on
access to natural resources. This RPF will define these situations and provide
guidelines for suggested remedial measures to incorporate in the RAPs.
This RPF applies to all fish landing sites and basic infrastructure financed under the
WARF that require land for their investment.