The Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources, has on Wednesday, 16th October 2024, joined other development partners to celebrate this Year’s World Food Day in Kailahun Town Field, Eastern Province.
Themed, “Right to foods for better life and a better future” the two days event which coincided with the 1st Anniversary of the FEED SALONE Programme, ended with award of prizes, cutting of the one year Anniversary of Feed Salone Cake, Inspection of Exhibits and Booths, Farmers Night, Cultural Performances , Marketing of farm products and Presentation of Prizes and Certificates to deserving farmers and producers.
Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Princess Dugba, who described the occasion as a “Big Day” registered her ministry’s unwavering commitment to streamlining the fisheries sector to ensure it continuously contribute to the nation”s socio-economic development.
Mrs Dugba said, as key contributor to government’s revenue generation, employment creation and food security undertakings, her ministry has introduced vital reforms that are crucial to the promotion of sustainable fisheries management, local and foreign investments.
She entreated all to engage in Fish Farming and contribute meaningfully to government’s Feed Salone Agenda.
Chief Minister, Dr.David Sengeh, who used the occasion to introduce Sixteen Serving Ministers of government and Deputies from Kailahun District, re-echoed government’s desire to actualize it’s avowed development policies to ensure sustainable development and called on all and sundry for support.
Minister of Agriculture and Food Security, Dr. Henry Musa Kpaka, referred to the occasion as ‘ a day set aside to popularize the importance of food in national development and a demonstration of Kailahun District’s readiness to contribute to Feed Salone Initiative.”
He appreciated progress made so far and appealed for more to make Feed Salone project a reality.
Chairman, Presidential Initiative on Climate Change, Renewable Energy and Food Security, Dr. Kandeh Yumkellah said, implementation of Feed Salone should not be limited to growing rice only, but diversification that would incorporate the production of
Economic and Cash Crops as well as other natural resources for empowerment of the country’s local economy.
Food and Agriculture Representative in Sierra Leone, Saeed Abubakar Bancie, pledged his organisation’ s firm commitment to supporting government’s development programmes and lauded them for prioritising the Feed Salone Initiative.
In the presence of the Minister of Fisheries and and her Deputy, Haja Isata Abdulai Kamara, Permanent Secretary, Brima Kebbie, Acting Director of Fisheries, Sheku Sei and other staff members, scores of onlookers thronged the MFMR Booth to have a glimpse of a variety of Fisheries and Marine Resources Products and Modern Fisheries Technologies exhibited.
He pointed out that “no country can progress without an Agricultural Revolution” and called for collaborative efforts to ensure his Feed Salone Initiative is successfully implemented and sustained.